Ready to Kick Some September A$$!

Here’s the Challenge that I will be focusing on for the month of September – the first 15 days of the month will include more than just what you see here but I wanted to share this with everyone since I’m always being asked “what are you doing?” lately.

I’m ready to suck it up and get it done – are you???


M O T I V A T E D!!!!!

And another 2 weeks have gone by since my last post — I need to get better at this!

There has been a lot going on lately, all good stuff though 🙂

Had an AWESOME check up with my doctor this week!  BP was 100/60 she actually walked into the room and said “Wow – you look amazing!”  She told me to keep doing what I’m doing and unless I need to see her she doesn’t need to see me again until next year.  It doesn’t get much better than that!

I’m still thinking about running a 1/2 marathon this year but just don’t know if I can get the time for the training.  I’ve been trying to run more but time just isn’t on my side. Started going back to the gym as the at-home work outs just don’t feel like they’re enough anymore — stayed tuned for more on that one!  =)

I have, however, signed up with some friends to participate in the 2015 Evan Lieberman Trauma Mud Run at Westchester Medical Center and am really looking forward to that!!

Lastly, I registered with NASM for their Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist courses!!!  SUPER Psyched about that and looking forward to getting it done so that I can help others become / stay on the healthier path of life.

That’s all I have for now — until next time….  Keep on keeping it Real and keeping it Healthy!!  ♥


WOW!!!!  14 days later…

While I have SO many reasons & excuses for not doing more than the odd-run over the past 14 days NONE of them are, in my book, good enough so…. 

Just repeated my last full work out from July 21 – yes, JULY 21st!!!!  Kicking my butt back on track. 

Just think of how much further I’d be along with my goals if I hadn’t slacked off for two whole weeks…  *smh…